Berkeley Police and Fire

Berkeley Police & Fire Channel Listing

3105 Police Dispatch Main (PD 1)

3106 Police Channel 2 (PD 2)

3108 Police Channel 4 (PD 4)

2105 Fire Dispatch 1 (FD 1)

2106 Fire Dispatch 2 (FD 2)

2112 Fire Emergency (FD EMER)

2671 Fire Command 11 (FD CMD 11)

2691 Fire Tac 31 (FD TAC 31)

The feed you are listening to is a realtime (ok, about 30 seconds-delayed) digital broadcast of the Berkeley Police and Fire departments. Berkeley's first responders are part of the East Bay Regional Communications System (EBRCS), a P25-compliant communications consortium serving the public agencies of Contra Costa and Alameda counties within the San Francisco Bay Area.

I had some free time, extra hardware, and a desire to learn Linux programming on a Raspberry Pi - I integrated all the components, programmed the RasPi, and am streaming out the feed to

The feed is available on a number of platforms: this website,, iOS & Android (via many of the free scanner apps), and a host of others.

Please see the Raspberry Pi page for technical details on how I established this feed.


Click this Dropbox Link to access a monthly archive of trimmed recordings.

The link below will take you to the City of Berkeley's website listing crime classifications and codes used within the department.